exported_foreign_enum.m:021: Error: predicate `test'/1 has no clauses. exported_foreign_enum.m:052: In `:- pragma foreign_export_enum' declaration for exported_foreign_enum.m:052: type `exported_foreign_enum.foo'/0: exported_foreign_enum.m:052: error: `exported_foreign_enum.foo'/0 is not an exported_foreign_enum.m:052: enumeration type. exported_foreign_enum.m:052: It has this non-zero arity constructor: exported_foreign_enum.m:052: `foo'/1. exported_foreign_enum.m:054: Error: the Mercury definition of `foo'/0 is not an exported_foreign_enum.m:054: enumeration type, so there must not be any exported_foreign_enum.m:054: `:- pragma foreign_enum' declarations for it. exported_foreign_enum.m:047: That Mercury definition is here. exported_foreign_enum.m:047: It has this non-zero arity constructor: exported_foreign_enum.m:047: `foo'/1. exported_foreign_enum.m:073: Error: the Mercury definition of `t1'/0 is not an exported_foreign_enum.m:073: enumeration type, so there must not be any exported_foreign_enum.m:073: `:- pragma foreign_enum' declarations for it. exported_foreign_enum.m:066: That Mercury definition is here. exported_foreign_enum.m:066: It has this non-zero arity constructor: exported_foreign_enum.m:066: `f13'/1. exported_foreign_enum.m:100: Error: this `:- pragma foreign_enum' declaration exported_foreign_enum.m:100: for `t3'/0 is incompatible with the equivalence exported_foreign_enum.m:100: type definition in the implementation section. exported_foreign_enum.m:098: That definition is here.