singleton_test.m:013: Warning: unresolved polymorphism in function singleton_test.m:013: `my_append_func'/2. singleton_test.m:013: The variables with unbound types were: singleton_test.m:013: `L1', singleton_test.m:013: `L2'. singleton_test.m:013: Their types will be implicitly set to the builtin type singleton_test.m:013: `void'. singleton_test.m:031: In clause for predicate `my_append'/3: singleton_test.m:031: warning: variable `L2' occurs only once in this scope. singleton_test.m:035: In clause for function `my_append_func'/2: singleton_test.m:035: warning: variables `L1' and `L2' occur only once in singleton_test.m:035: this scope. singleton_test.m:036: In clause for function `my_append_func'/2: singleton_test.m:036: warning: variable `T' occurs only once in this scope. singleton_test.m:042: In the C# code for predicate `my_c_pred'/3: singleton_test.m:042: warning: variable `Y' does not occur in the C# code. singleton_test.m:055: In the C# code for function `my_c_func'/2: singleton_test.m:055: warning: variable `X' does not occur in the C# code. singleton_test.m:071: In the C# code for predicate `c_hello_world'/3: singleton_test.m:071: warning: variable `Msg' does not occur in the C# code. singleton_test.m:082: In clause for predicate `test_head'/6: singleton_test.m:082: warning: variable `_D' occurs more than once in this singleton_test.m:082: scope. singleton_test.m:082: In clause for predicate `test_head'/6: singleton_test.m:082: warning: variables `A' and `B' occur only once in this singleton_test.m:082: scope. For more information, recompile with `-E'.